Support our walk!

Hello Miconians and friends! COVID has beaten at us for the last year and a half. But you know that Jamaicans are resilient, you pick us up, you fling us down, and we bounce right back. By and large, we have survived a really difficult time.

We understand that it has been more challenging for some of us than for others, and we express sympathy for those among us who have lost loved ones. We want to offer kind regards to those of us who caught the virus and had a rough time with it, or who live in less than ideal circumstances that made the last year and a half especially trying. 

As the world seeks to rebound and our city gradually reopens, we too are eager to resume some of our usual activities. We have continued to provide mentorship to new teachers. The executive continues to meet monthly via Zoom, looking for ways to engage the entire membership, and ensure that the organization remains going.  The Mico Alumni Association of Toronto has long tradition of service to the community, and we are committed to keep it going.

Another aspect of our mandate is fundraising to support the causes we care about, such as scholarships granted to youth of Jamaican heritage going into teaching here in Canada, as well as scholarships to youth back home, entering the Mico University College.

As such, we are joining the Alliance of  Jamaican Alumni Association – Toronto (AJAA) in a virtual walk-a-thon which will be launched on the first of August. We invite all our members to participate in this event. Join us on Zoom at 11 AM Sunday, August 1 for the virtual Launch. Zoom ID 482 368 8600 Passcode 500129

This is how it works: throughout the month of August, we will walk in our respective locations, whenever we can, fundraise like we usually would in a walk-a-thon, then we will share photos of our walk here on this blog as well as with the AJAA. 

  • Take a walk alone or with a friend, or you can even just track your walk distance on your pedometer. 
  • Snap a pic and send it to Doug Angell 
  • Visit our fundraiser page and make a donation, and invite your friends to sponsor your walk, just like you would for an in-person walk-a-thon.

Let’s make this a fun and exciting venture, meet up with other Miconians near to you for a walk. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces, in captured memories like these below.